




A: How do you do ? My name is Taro Yamada.
  Please call me Taro.
B: How do you do, Taro ? I'm glad to meet you.
  My name is James Clark. Please call me Jim.

A: May I ask / where you come from ?
B: I come from Australia.
A: Do you mind my asking / why you came to Japan ?
B: No. To learn Japanese and Japanese culture.
A: How long have you been / in Japan?
B: For five years.

A: What do you usually do / in your free time ?
B: I useally play tennis. How about you ?
  What do you like to do / in your free time ?
A: I like fishing and swimming.


A: Aren't you a university student ?
B: No. I'm an office worker.
  I've been working for a medical company / for more than ten years.

A: Really ? I thought / you were in your early twenties.
  You look young / for your age.
B: Thanks.


A: I used to work for a medical company.
B: Is that so ? I didn't know that.
A: I used to get a very good salary, but I was stressed out.

B: You mean / the job was high-paying / but tough ?
A: Exactly. I realized that / money wasn't everything.
  There are more important things.


A: What time do you usually get up / in the morning ?
B: At six thirty.
A: How do you get to work ?
B: By train.

A: What line do you take ?
B: I take the Seibu line.
  It is said that / the Seibu line is one of the most crowded ones.
  I wish / our company would stagger the commuting time of its workers.


A: I really would like to pass the exam / this time.
  This is my fifth time !
  In addition, If I pass the exam, I will get a reward / from my company.

B: Father, If you should pass it, I would respect you more.
A: Even if I don't get the certificate, will you still respect me ?
B: Of course I will. So, If you succeed in the test,
  could you please buy me a new cellular phone ?



A: How many times a week / do you go to a fitness club ?
B: I go there / at least / three times a week.
A: How do you manage / to go to the club / so often ?

B: Because I can refresh myself / by doing exercises there,
  I can concentrate on my work more / and finish it sooner / the next day,
  which allows me / to leave the office early / enough to visit the club
  / three times a week.


A: Do you mind / if I smoke ?
B: No, go ahead. But didn't you stop smoking ?
A: I tried to, but I can't.

B: You should try your best. Smoking may affect / not only your health
  but also your career.
A: Thank you for your concern.


A: You look pale. Are you OK ?
B: Probably. I have a hangover.

A: Did you drink too much / last night ?
B: Yes, I regret / doing it.


A: Did you watch the professional baseball game / on TV / last night ?
B: Of course I did. Matsui hit the game-ending home run!

A: Yes. I was very excited.
B: So was I. It was one of the most exciting games / I've seen this year.


A: Are you going to Hawai ?
B: Maybe. I haven't decided yet.

A: If you go there, which part would you like to go to ?
B: To tell the truth, I am not quite familiar with Hawai.
  In fact, I've never been there.
  Do you know any good places to visit ?


A: I hate to say this, but I have to go.
B: Oh, yeah, you're going on a business trip / tomorrow.

A: That's right. I must get up very early / to catch the first train.
  I wish I could stay longer.
B: I do, too. Have a good trip. Take care.


A: You did a very good job !
B: I am very pleased / to hear you say that. I tried my best.

A: Thanks to your efforts, we got a good client.
  You can expect a bornus.
B: Is that true ? I will tell my staff / about it.
  She helped me a lot / this time.


A: May I go to the exhibition / in Yokohama / tomorrow ?
B: Sure.
A: Thank you. I really would like to see the products of our competitor myself,
  so I can understand the differences / between our products
  and our competitor's.

B: You are very enthusiastic.
  Why don't you go directly to Makuhari / without coming to the office
  / tomorrow ?
A: I appreciate it. Now I will be able to spend more time / there.


A: May I help you ?
B: Oh, I'm just looking. Thanks.
A: Take your time, please.
  If you need some help, please let me know.

B: How much is this sweater ?
A: It is 20,000 yen.
B: It is a little too expensive. How about this one ?
A: It is 10,000 yen.
B: Hmmm…. OK. I'll take it.

A: Cash or charge ?
B: Charge, please.
A: That's fine.


A: May I ask / where you come from ?
B: I'm from Australia.
A: Really ? I thought / you were from the UK.

B: Why did you think so ?
A: Because / you sound British.

B: In fact, some people think / I come from England.
  It maybe hard for you, a non-native speaker of English, to tell
  Australian English / from British English.

  ・よく使う接続詞   (人気No.1の記事。シンプルに話すために必須です)
  ・1分間スピーチ   (ふるさと、自己紹介、食べ物、健康、コーヒー‥)
  ・決まり文句 必須40  (スムーズに会話するには決まり文句が重要な役割)
  ・よく使う文型    (話せるようになるためにはベースになる文が必要)

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