トップボキャブラリを強化重要イディオム 81

重要イディオム 81

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01休暇でI went to Tokyo on vacation last month.
02仕事でI will go to Tokyo on business next month.
03スケジュール どおりにIs this plane on schedule?
04時間どおりにEverybody came to the class on time.
05徒歩でI go to my office on foot.
06勤務中The policeman is on duty.
07ダイエット中My mother is on a diet.

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01身につけるPut on a sweater, or you will catch a cold.
02試着するMay I try this sweater on?
03~次第であるIt depends on the weather.
04依存するHe still relies on his parents.
05あてにするWhen you are in trouble, you can count on me.
06~で食っているShe has to live on the pension.
07~し続けるHe went on singing all night.
08スイッチを入れるPlease turn on the TV.
09電話を切らないHold on a moment, please.
10私のおごりですI'll pay for this. "No, no, it's on me."
11固執するHe insists on his theory.
12押しつけるHe always imposes his opinion on me.
13即座にThe policeman arrested the man on the spot.
14~などShe has many hobbies, cooking, nitting and so on.


01~のためBecause of rain, we couldn't go to the beach.
02~のかわりにHe usually uses credit cards instead of cash.
03~の場合In case of a fire, use the steps.
04~にかかわらずIn spite of the rain, the game was not canselled.
05~を担当するWho's in charge of the sales section?
06~の見地からHe chooses his job only in terms of salary.
07~構成されているJapan consists of four main islands.




01BよりAを好むI prefer wine to beer.
02~より優れているYou are superior to me.
03~の隣にHis house is next to my house.
04~に似ているHer idea is very similar to mine.
05~に所属しているI belong to a tennis club.
06ある程度までI have studied Psycology to some extent.
07~に加えてHe can speak French in addition to English.


01取り扱うIn my job I have to deal with all kinds of people.
02~に満足であるAre you satisfied with your job?
03耐えられないI can't put up with this hot weather.
04対処するHe can't cope with the problem.
05良く知っているAre you familiar with this area?
06~に追いつくI must study hard to catch up with him.
07~にうんざりするI'm fed up with her laziness.

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01~に興味があるI'm interested in flower arrangement.
02~に夢中であるHe is crazy about his girlfriend.
03~を恐れるHe's afraid of getting lung cancer.
04~が得意であるAre you good at cooking?
05~を誇りに思うI am proud of my father.
06~に飽きるI'm tired of eating hamburgers.
07~が好きですShe's fond of dogs very much.
08~にいやけがするI'm sick of this hot weather.
09~に気づいて目覚めるI am aware of environment problems.
10~でいっぱいであるThe Sensyu-park was full of people.
11~を恥ずかしく思うI'm ashamed of Japanese politics.


01(バス、電車に)乗り込むHe is getting on the bus.
02(バス、電車に)降りるShe is getting off the train.
03~から回復するI hope you will get over your cold soon.
04集まるLet's get together again.
05~とうまくやっていくDo you get along with your wife?
06神経にさわるThe noise gets on my nerves.
07~と結婚するHe will get married to Nancy next week.
08~に慣れるHe will soon get used to the climate here.


01あきらめるHe gave up the idea of going to Canada.
02スピーチをするI gave a speech at the wedding yesterday.
03コンサートをするThe Beatles gave five concerts in Tokyo.
04~によろしくお伝え下さいPlease give my best regards to your mother.


01散歩するI like taking a walk.
02お風呂に入るI take a bath every day.
03休憩をとるLet's take a break.
04ちょっと見るLet me take a look.
05昼寝をするI take a nap every afternoon.
06気楽にやってねGood-by, take it easy.
07(店などを)引き継ぐHe has taken over his father's business.
08のんびりやりなさいTake your time, or you may make some mistakes.
09参加するDo you take part in English conversation-lesson?
10起こるtake place = happen


01~することになっているI'm supposed to go to New York next week.
02~する余裕がないHe can't afford to buy a new car.
03心待ちにしているI'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
04かつて~したものだったShe used to play basketball.
05~した方がよいYou had better go home now.
06延期するput over

 ・よく使う接続詞   人気No.1の記事。シンプルに話すために必須です
 ・1分間スピーチ   ふるさと、自己紹介、食べ物、健康、コーヒー‥
 ・決まり文句 必須40  スムーズに会話するには決まり文句が重要な役割
 ・よく使う文型    話せるようになるためにはベースになる文が必要

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