




online lesson1



















online lesson2






いまさら中学英語の教科書は・・という人は、このサイトの お薦めの本 コーナーで紹介している、シンプルパターン英会話をしっかりやってみてください。






01 What is in the box? 
  There is a music tape / in it.

02 What are your plans / for this afternoon? 
  I'm going to play soccer.

03 What sport do you enjoy? 
  I enjoy playing soccer.

04 When is your birthday, Jim? 
  My birthday is January fifth.

05 Where do koalas live? Do you k2016-09-28 (水) 22:08:21 
  Yes, I know / where they live.

06 Who is that boy? 
  He is my son.

07 Why was Taro smiling?  
  Because the news made him happy.

08 Which do you like better, tee or coffee? 
  I like coffee better.

09 Which season do you like / the best? 
  I like fall / the best of all.

10 Whose books are these? 
  They are my books.

11 How many people are there / in the room? 
  There are more than fifty people there.

12 How much will it cost / by sea mail? 
  That'll be one dollar / and forth-five cents.

13 How much money do you have / 2016-09-28 (水) 22:08:21 
  I have only one dollar.

14 How long will you stay / in London? 
  I will stay for about ten days.

15 How far is it from here to Tokyo? 
  It takes about three hours by the bullet train.

16 Will you read this word / for me? 
  O.K. It's easy for me / to read Japanese.

17 Would you like some cake? 
  Yes, thank you. (No, thank you. )

18 May I come in? 
  Yes, of course! Come in! (Yes, you may.)

19 Shall I go with you? 
  Oh, thank you.

20 Can I use this credit card? 
  I'm sorry, but we don't accept the credit card.

21 Can you cook sukiyaki? 
  No, I don't know / how to cook it.

22 Could you put this plate / on the table, please? 

23 My name is Ken Oka. 
  Please call me Ken.

24 Tom has a sister. She is called Meg. 
  I also have a sister / called Meg.

25 I have an uncle. He lives / in New York. 
  I also have an uncle / who lives / in New York.

26 Have you ever visited London? 
  Yes, I've visited London / many times.

27 I visited Nikko / last Sunday. 
  When I arrived there, it was raining.

28 I like to watch soccer games. 
  I like to play soccer.

29 I'd like to know / how to make sushi. 
  Really? I'll teach you / how to make it.

30 Do you want something to drink? 
  I'm sorry, but I have to leave now.

31 Did you go to the park? 
  Yes, I did. I went there / to play tennis.

32 Are you going to the party, too? 
  Yes. I'll see you there.

33 Look! It's raining. 
  Oh, no! I hope / (that) it'll be fine / tomorrow.

34 Was it fine / this morning / in London? 
  No, it was raining.

35 Japanese cars are very popular. 
  Yes, they are used / all over the world.

36 I think / it’s the most famous street / in Kyoto. 
  That's right.

37 You like tennis, don't you? 
  Yes, but I like soccer / better than tennis.

38 Is this a pen / or a pencil? 
  It's a pen.

39 Jim isn't here / now. 
  Jim was here / yesterday.

40 Is your school very new? 
  Yes. It's the newest one / in this city.

41 Is Kyoto older / than Tokyo? 
  Yes, it is.

42 Wow! That dog is very big. 
  Yes, but my dog is as big as that one.

43 This flower is very beautiful. 
  Yes, it's more beautiful / than that one.

44 The boy became a very good player. 
  He looked happy.

45 She is very kind, isn't she? 
  Yes, she is liked by everyone.

46 This box is too big. 
  Let's ask Jiro / to carry it.

47 You took this picture, didn't you? 
  Yes, it's the picture / which I took / last week.

48 I am too tired / to go there. 
  I see. Take care of yourself.

49 This is a good book. It tells us / about love. 
  This is also a book / which tells us / about love.

50 Look at the horse. 
  You mean the horse / that is running / over there?

51 He was so wise / that he could speak many foreign languages. 
  Really? Fantastic!

52 Are you still cleaning your room? 
  No, I've already cleaned it.

53 He has invited / not only us but also many other people. 
  That's fine. Excellent!

54 Let's play tennis / after school. 
  I'm sorry I can't. I have a lot of things / to do.

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