トップボキャブラリを強化重要イディオム 28

重要イディオム 28


 01 (バス、電車に)乗り込む  He is getting on the bus.
 02 (バス、電車に)降りる   She is getting off the train.
 03 ~から回復する       I hope you will get over your cold soon.
 04 集まる           Let's get together again.
 05 ~とうまくやっていく    Do you get along with your wife?
 06 神経にさわる        The noise gets on my nerves.
 07 ~と結婚する        He will get married to Nancy next week.
 08 ~に慣れる         He will soon get used to the climate here.


 01 あきらめる         He gave up the idea of going to Canada.
 02 スピーチをする       I gave a speech at the wedding yesterday.
 03 コンサートをする      The Beatles gave five concerts in Tokyo.
 04 ~によろしくお伝え下さい  Please give my best regards to your mother.



 01 散歩する        I like taking a walk.
 02 お風呂に入る      I take a bath every day.
 03 休憩をとる       Let's take a break.
 04 ちょっと見る      Let me take a look.
 05 昼寝をする       I take a nap every afternoon.

 06 気楽にやってね     Good-by, take it easy.
 07 (店などを)引き継ぐ  He has taken over his father's business.
 08 のんびりやりなさい   Take your time, or you may make some mistakes.
 09 参加する        Do you take part in English conversation-lesson?
 10 起こる         take place = happen


 01 ~することになっている I'm soupposed to go to New York next week.
 02 ~する余裕がない    He can't afford to buy a new car.
 03 心待ちにしている    I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
 04 かつて~したものだった She used to play basketball.
 05 ~した方がよい     You had better go home now.

 06 延期する        put over

a:11858 t:1 y:1