

 なっていました。 あと少しの辛抱です!


 ①突然       suddenly

   ⇒ Suddenly it began raining.

 ②そのとき     then

   ⇒ I was two years old then.

 ③ついに      finally

   ⇒ I thought and thought, and I finally solved the problem.

 ④容易に      easily

   ⇒ I could answer the question easily.
 ⑤穏やかに     gently

   ⇒ She always speaks gently.


 ⑥はい       yes 

  ・スキーはできますか ? はい、できます。
   ⇒ Can you ski. Yes, I can.

 ⑦~でない     not

   ⇒ I do not know him.

 ⑧決して~でない  never

   ⇒ I have never been to America.

 ⑨ほとんど     almost     

   ⇒ She isしalmost ninety.
 ⑩~もまた     also

   ⇒ Anne is also a nice girl.



 ⑪~もまた     too

   ⇒ It is a pen, too.

 ⑫~もまた(ない) either

   ⇒ I won't go, either.

 ⑬両方とも     both

   ⇒ Both Tom and Mike are friends of mine.

 ⑭一緒に      together

   ⇒ Let's go together.

 ⑮外に       out

   ⇒ Father is out now.


 ⑯離れて      away

   ⇒ The station is two miles away from here.

 ⑰ここに      here

   ⇒ Come here, please.

 ⑱そこに      there

  ・向うに立っている人はだれですか ?
   ⇒ Who is the man standing over there ?

 ⑲本当に      really

   ⇒ Your father is a really great man.

 ⑳とても      very

   ⇒ She is very beautiful.


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